
The Seasons feature in the InfiniteCrops plugin introduces dynamic seasonal changes, affecting gameplay elements like temperature and water loss. Each season has its own duration, attributes, and world-specific configurations. This guide explains how to configure the seasons.yml file and understand how seasons work.

File Structure

The seasons.yml file is structured to define attributes for each season, such as:

  1. Duration: The time each season lasts, randomized between a minimum and maximum.

  2. Temperature: Seasonal temperature impacts crop growth and water retention.

  3. Worlds: Specifies the worlds where the season is active.

  4. Water Loss: Defines how much water crops lose during the season.

Configuration Example

    duration_min: 140
    duration_max: 300
    name: spring
    id: infinitecrops_spring
    temperature: 7.0
    - world
    water_loss: 1.0
    duration_min: 140
    duration_max: 320
    name: summer
    id: infinitecrops_summer
    temperature: 15.0
    - world
    water_loss: 1.8
    duration_min: 100
    duration_max: 240
    name: autumn
    id: infinitecrops_autumn
    temperature: 0.0
    - world
    water_loss: 0.5
    duration_min: 200
    duration_max: 320
    name: winter
    id: infinitecrops_winter
    temperature: 0.0
    - world
    water_loss: 0.0

Key Sections

1. General Attributes

  • duration_min and duration_max:

    • Define the range (in minutes) for how long the season will last.

    • Example:

      codeduration_min: 140
      duration_max: 300
      • The season will last between 140 and 300 minutes.

  • name:

    • The display name of the season.

    • Example: spring

  • id:

    • A unique identifier for the season.

    • Example: infinitecrops_spring

  • temperature:

    • The temperature during the season. This value can influence crop behavior and growth.

    • Example: 7.0

  • worlds:

    • The list of worlds where the season is active.

    • Example:

      - world
  • water_loss:

    • The rate at which crops lose water during the season.

    • Example: 1.8

Season Mechanics

  1. Season Duration:

    • Seasons last a random amount of time between duration_min and duration_max.

  2. Dynamic Transitions:

    • When a season ends, the plugin automatically transitions to the next season in the cycle.

  3. World-Specific Seasons:

    • Different worlds can have independent seasonal cycles by listing them in the worlds attribute.

  4. Temperature Effects:

    • Temperature can be used to simulate realistic crop growth conditions, where some crops thrive in warmer seasons and others in cooler ones.

  5. Water Loss:

    • Defines how quickly crops dry out in a season. Higher values mean crops need to be watered more frequently.

Customizing Seasons

Adding a New Season

  1. Define a new entry under seasons.

  2. Provide unique values for name, id, duration_min, duration_max, temperature, and water_loss.

  3. Specify the worlds where the new season applies.


    duration_min: 150
    duration_max: 300
    name: rainy
    id: infinitecrops_rainy
    temperature: 10.0
    - rainy_world
    water_loss: 0.8

Adjusting Season Order

The order of seasons is determined by the plugin and follows the sequence defined in the configuration. Adjust the order by reordering entries in the YAML file.

Practical Example

Let’s say you want summer to have higher water loss and last longer than spring. Update the configuration like this:

  duration_min: 200
  duration_max: 400
  name: summer
  id: infinitecrops_summer
  temperature: 20.0
  - world
  water_loss: 2.5


  • Season Does Not Apply in a World:

    • Ensure the world is listed under the worlds attribute for the season.

  • Random Duration Is Not Working:

    • Verify duration_min and duration_max are set correctly and are integers.

  • Crops Not Behaving Correctly:

    • Check that the temperature and water_loss values are appropriately configured for the season.

Last updated