Commands & Permissions
/infinitecrops (/ic)
Sends a help menu about all of the plugin commands
/ic reload
Gives a custom fishing rod to the player
/ic sprinkler give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player a specific sprinkler
/ic crop give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player a specific crop
/ic crop create
Starts the crop creation wizard
/ic crop edit <id>
Starts the crop edit wizard
/ic crop delete <id>
Deletes a crop from the pool of crops
/ic hologram create <id>
Create a top hologram at the command executor's location. See #top for more information
/ic hologram move <id>
Move a top hologram to the command executor's location
/ic hologram delete <id>
Delete a top hologram
/ic pot give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified pot
/ic fertilizer give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the specified player the specified fertilizer
/ic harvester give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified harvester tool
/ic money_tree give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified money tree
/ic bush give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified bush
/ic generators give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified generator
/ic batteries give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified batteries
/ic greenhouse give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified greenhouse
/ic can give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified can
/ic hoe give <player> <id> [amount]
Gives the player the specified hoe
/ic wand
Last updated