Crate reward preview settings

Page instructing how to fully utilize preview settings

Preview types

There are currently 2 main reward preview types available for AdvancedCrates: In order, custom

In order - showcases all rewards available for the crate

Custom - allows for preview pages customizations, adds possibility to create multiple reward preview pages, add items that are not rewards to make the preview pages professional.

Customize custom previews

It is recommended to use the in game editor to customize the custom preview. Please follow these steps to get to the custom preview editing mode: /ac config -> click on the crates button -> choose your desired crate -> click on the rewards button -> click on the edit preview button -> click on the preview type button -> click on the custom preview button -> click on save and reload buttons, then get back to the previous page following the same steps -> click on the edit custom preview -> add a menu -> click on the newly added menu and edit the preview from there. After opening a preview editing menu, there will be a detailed description on how to use the custom preview editor mode. (You'll be able to click on any empty space after which it will open up a menu to choose a reward item from. Also able to add go forward and go backward buttons to move between the custom pages. Further more able to put in any item to the custom preview page.)

Setting forward and backwards buttons

First, you need to have your desired forward button item in your inventory. Then place that item in one of your custom preview menus. Then go back to the "Reward Preview Menu" and click on "Select the forward page button", there you will find one of the many custom items that aren't rewards, such as your recently added forward button. Click on your forward button, exit and save. Now the custom forward item that was added to the preview menu will work as a forward button to the next menu.

Reward showcase

RewardsPreviewItemSpinning - once set to true, enables a custom preview mode where it displays each item individually in sequence on top of a stationary crate.

Last updated