Config.yml additional customizations

Here you can find all the additional configurations and customizations for the plugin located in config.yml

How_Far_Shown_Animation - Defines what should be the radius that the players could potentially see the animations from by blocks (less is better performance wise)

Max_Players_Per_Animation - What should be the maximum amount of players that can see an animation via packets in a 30 block radius?

Lightning_silent - Should all of the lightning that is made by the plugin be silent (make no sound)?

Max_Inventory_Reached - Should the player not be able to open a crate if he has less inventory slots than the crates size is set to?

main_command - What should be the main command in order to use AdvancedCrates plugin, default is /ac

alts_get_giveall - Do alts also get ac giveall crates or only 1 crate per ip?

MonthlyCrates_Player_Limit - How many Crates can a single player open at the same time?

MonthlyCrates_Global_Limit - How many Crates can be opened at the same time on the server?

MonthlyCrates_Global_Pouch_Limit - How many Pouches can be opened at the same time on the server?

Crate_Radius - How close by / what should be the radius between the Crates to be able to open them?

Pouch_Radius - How close by / what should be the radius between the Pouches to be able to open them?

Display_Animation_Lenght - How long should the display animation be rolling for? (measured in seconds)

Display_Animation_Item_Change - What should be the interval between changing items in the display animation? (measured in seconds)

Display_Animation_Water_Drops - Should the water drops in the Display animation be enabled?

Display_Animation_Lava_Drops - Should the lava drops in the Display animation be enabled? If so, don't forget to disable water drops above.

Display_Animation_Villager_Particle - Should the villager particles be shown on item change in the Display animation?

PouchEnding - Defines with what effect should pouches end? (Currently available: Lightning, Explosion, Smoke, Flame), leave empty for no effect.

Item_Change_Particle_Round - What particles should be shown when changing items in the "Round" animation? (Currently available: Instant_Spell, Flame), leave empty for no effect.

Round_How_High - How high should the round animation be after being placed on the ground?

Round2_Animation_Lenght - How long should the round2 animation last? (measured in seconds)

Round2_Animation_Lightning - Should there be lightning when mystery items change into items on Round2 animation?

Round2_Animation_Speed - How fast should be the Round2 animation spinning? (decimals can be used)

Round_Animation_Speed - How fast should be the Round animation spinning? (decimals can be used)

Round_Animation_Lenght - How long should the round animation last? (measured in seconds)

Round_Lightning - Should there be lightning at the end of the animation?

Pouch_Spiral_Effect - Should the pouches have a spiral particle effect when the animation is playing? (true / false)

Contraband_Floating_Item_Animation_Speed - How fast should the items be floating around the contraband crate in the animation?

Contraband_Floating_Items_Time - For how long should the items be floating around the contraband crate in the animation until the rewards start disappearing? (in seconds)

Contraband_Floating_Item_Spawn_Interval - What should be the interval between the items coming out of the contraband chest in the contraband animation? (in seconds)

Contraband_Floating_Item_Disappear_Interval - What should be the interval between the items disappearing in the contraband animation? (in seconds)

Contraband_Final_Items_Floating_Time - For how long should the items be floating around the contraband crate in the animation when only the final reward items are left? (in seconds)

Contraband_Won_Items_Displayed_Time - For how long should the won items be displayed for the player once he has won them? (in seconds)

Contraband_Height - How high should the contraband animation crate item float up in the sky

Give_Command_Case_Sensitive - Should the give command be case sensitive? (If true this means Crate and crate are different crates)

Guaranteed_Rewards_Shown - Should the Guaranteed Rewards be shown in the animation? (Currently works only for the Round animation)

Adventure_Mode - This allows users on adventure mode servers to be able to open crates (Makes it so when user right clicks air it opens a crate)

Cant_Open_Creative - This makes it so users in creative can not open crates

Cant_Open_Seeability_Is_All - This once set to true makes it so when a crate with AnimationVisibilityOption set to "All" won't be open-able while another person is opening it (Will remove crate and crate holograms too for the opening)

Must_Hold_Key_In_Hand - This once set to true will not allow the player to open a stationary crate even if he has the key in his inventory as long as he doesn't hold it in his hand

Cant_Drop_Key - This once set to true will not allow the player to drop a crate key on the ground and wont be able to place the key in a chest / enderchest etc

Give_As_Virtualkey_If_Inventory_Full - This once set to true will rather than dropping the key on the ground (since the inventory is full) will give the key as a virtual key

VirtualKeys_Enabled - If you don't plan on using virtual keys, it is recommended to set this feature to be disabled

Last updated